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  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
  • 퀵메뉴 이름 미입력
제품소개 접촉식 플로브

접촉식 플로브

레이저 플로브 헤드

레인보우 플로브

TTL 레이저

접촉식 플로브

회전 테이블

Touch Probes

- 다중 센서 추가
- 자동 구축

- 포인트 또는 표면 측정
- 소프트웨어 통합
- 통합 센서 보정





 Probe type

 Touch Trigger Probe

 Scanning Probe


 OGP® SmartScope® Quest, ZIP, Flash, ATS, and Apex Micro systems

OGP SmartScope Quest 300, 450, 650, 800; SmartScope Flash 302, 500, 670

 Compatible metrology software

QVI® ZONE3®, MeasureMind® 3D MultiSensor or Measure-X®

QVI ZONE3 or MeasureMind 3D MultiSensor

 Supported touch probes 

 Renishaw® TP20, TP200

 SP25 Scanning Probe kits, TP20 (requires TM25-20 TTP module adaptor)

 Programmable PH10 articulating probe kits (available on SmartScope Quest 450, 650, or 800 only)

 PH10T with TP20, PH10M with TP200 (requires ZONE3 software)

 PH10M with SP25 Scanning Probe (requires ZONE3 or MeasureMind 3D software) 


 Probe sensor mounts on touch-probeready OGP measurement systems; detachable stylus module and stylus attach to probe sensor via magnetic self-aligning kinematic joint


 Change rack(s)

 2-, 4-, or 6-position

 XYZ frame of reference  Freely interchange touch probe measurements and those taken by other sensors within the same measurement routine
 Calibration option Calibration kit includes reference sphere, kinematic mounting base, and calibration software
 Other options For complete functionality, the QVI Probe Controller (for TP20) or PI200 interface box (for TP200), a probe sensor, and at least one detachable stylus module (DSM) and stylus is required; for automated stylus changing, a multi-station change rack is required, as well as additional DSMs (one for each station), and additional styli.