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- 내장 측정 안정성 – 화강암 베이스 및 탄소 섬유 브리지는 측정 안정성을 위한 견고한 직교 단계를 제공합니다.

- 고속으로 생산성 향상 – 세 가지 측정 축 모두에서 고속 가속 및 속도 향상

- 높은 신뢰성 전송 – 견고한 드라이브 시스템은 장기적인 신뢰성에 기여합니다.

- 다중 센서 다기능성 – 비접촉 센서 및 터치 프로브 옵션





 X, Y, Z Travel

 635 x 635 x 200 mm

 X, Y, Z Scale Resolution 

 0.1 µm

 Drive System

 DC servo with 4-axis control (X,Y,Z,zoom); with multifunction handheld controller 

 (for MeasureMind® 3D) or joystick (for Measure-X®)

 Transport velocity/acceleration

 Velocity: X,Y = 500 mm/sec, Z = 100 mm/sec; Acceleration: X,Y = 1000 mm/sec2, Z = 300 mm/sec2


 Fixed, nickel plated steel, with fixture holes, removable stage glass, 50 kg recommended max payload


 5:1 AccuCentric® auto-calibrating zoom,  motorized; 1.0x front replacement lens;  1.0x adapter tube; 2.0x lens attachment

0.5x, 0.75x, 1.5x lens attachments; 1.0x LWD (not for use with SmartRing™ light),  2.5x, 5.0x, 10.0x front replacement lenses; autofocus LED grid projector; laser adapter  (includes laser pointer)

 FOV size (std optical configuration)

 Measured diagonally, 5.0 mm (low mag) to 0.9 mm (high mag)


 Substage LED profile (green), coaxial LED surface (white), patented SmartRing LED ring light (white)

 VuLight™ oblique illuminator, small fiber optic ring light, fiber optic surface light, large  fiber optic ring light


High resolution, color

 High resolution, black & white digital metrology camera

 Image Processing

256 level grayscale processing with 10:1 subpixel resolution

 Sensor Options**

(contact OGP for possible combinations of sensors)


Touch probe and change rack, off-axis DRS™ laser, on-axis TTL laser, Rainbow Probe™  scanning white light sensor, Feather Probe™


 Windows® based, with up-to date processor and on board networking/communication ports

 Controller Accessory Package


 24” flat panel LCD monitor, or dual 24” flat panel LCD monitors, keyboard, 3-button  mouse (or user supplied)

 Metrology Software

 MeasureMind® 3D MultiSensor

 Measure-X®, MeasureMind 3D Offline

 Productivity Software


 MeasureFit® Plus, SmartReport® powered by QC-Calc, SmartFit® 3D, SmartProfile®,  Scan-X®, TrueMap™, SmartScript®, SmartTree™

 Power Requirements

 115/230 VAC , 50/60 Hz, 1 phase, 1000W

 Operating Environmnet, Safe Operation

 Temperature 15-30 °C,

 Rated Environment

 Temperature 18-22 °C, stable to ±1 °C; 30-80% humidity; vibration <0.001g below 15 Hz